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Ravyn Shadecrest

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No one is certain of Ravyn’s true origin. Some say she was not born, but made, deep in the caverns of the Black Fang Mountains. Only a few days old, she appeared in a bundle with no note outside the Obsidian Spire. The orphan, as many forgotten children in Eclipto are, was given to the Anari. The spy guild of the Northern Realm.


The Anari immediately noticed Ravyn's driven and cunning spirit. Even at a young age Ravyn had a desperate need to be the best… at any cost. Cheating, lying, and cleverness all became weapons in Ravyn’s arsenal as she learned the arts of stealth, deception and espionage. 

If the Bitten Knights need intel or something done in secret, Ravyn and her mastry of the Shade Fury are always the ideal choice. Much like Ravyn, her Ravager Class dragon, Shavara, is a ruthless and intelligent foe. Shavara's natural armor appears to be made of black bone.

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